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COUNTRY ArgsBtina/YugoeXavia GATE: 25X1 A 

!• General Fran j Pure, Yugoslav IfcLnister to Buenos Air^a f who recently returned 
fro© Belgrade, is ©aid to have brought from his Government strict instructions 
to tread lightly while in Argentina, and to avoid at all costs any act or 
statement which might lead the Argentine Government to saver diplomatic rela- 
tions with Yugoslavia. 

25X1 2o According to a report ~| pirc has been told also to push 

the campaign now being conducted in Argentina to return Yugoslavs, especially 
those with money or those capable of performing manual labor, to their native 
land.* Members of Communist cells and prominent agitators, hoover, will be 
encov^^ged to remain as long as possible in Argentina,, 

3. The Yugoslav Minister reportedly received orders to assume a cautious but 
more aggressive attitude toward ex-Us bashi, ex-Chetniks, end followers of 
Vlatko Mac sk, president of the Croatian Peasant Party, who was last reported 
to be in Washington. 

2j» All pro-Tito Yugoslav organizations in Argentina have received the instructions 
brought by Pirc. 

*To encourage the repatriation of voluntary immigrants, the Yugoslav ship 
SS |*Hizanka trill arrive in Buenos Airee in February from Sidney, Australia, 
to transport these individuals back to Yugoslavia. The Partizanka can ac- 
comodate about 700 passengers - Repatriates will reimburse the Yugoslav 
Government for passage by working for the Government upon their arrival. 

This document is hereby regraded to 
CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the 
letter of 10 October 1078 from the 
Director of Centre! intelligence to the I 
Archivist of the United States. 

Next Review Date: 2008 1 

NoXc^AMtt ib 

xhis document contains Information 
affecting the national d cfense of the 
United Stntos within the meaning of 
the Lspi onn^o Act, 50, U.3.C. 31 and 
6tl a a amended. Its transmission or 
the jX'V' latlon of Its contents in any 

manner to an unauthorized person is 
prohibited by law* 

, DM Apr 77 

, 7 j 

<xT ^C^A&aroved For Release 200 


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